Monday, March 10, 2014

And Every Breath Was Hallelujah...

God is a God of surprises and He is the orchestrator of wonderful coincidences.  Without putting much thought of my own into it, I started training for the Free Them 5K last week.  I didn't realize until yesterday that I started this training on the first day of Lent.

I was deeply moved by a few different posts and blogs about Lent.  Honestly, we don't really do much for Lent now that I attend a non-denominational church.  I grew up in a Catholic and Episcopalian background, so there are some elements of liturgy that I miss.  Some of the symbolism is so sacred and sublime, it answers questions your soul didn't realize it was asking.  I miss going down to the alter for communion, dipping my stamped wafers in the wine from the golden chalet, and being blessed by Father Taylor.  I miss the reverence of the stained glass windows and tall arches.  I miss lighting candles to symbolize a prayer.  Religion can  be stifling, but it can also help a person understand a facet about God's character that was a mystery to them before.

Back to Lent.  Usually, there is something a person gives up for Lent to honor the sacrifice we celebrate every Good Friday.  I felt that I wasn't supposed to give anything up.  I read a post by a woman in a forum I follow, and instead of giving something up for Lent, she adds a prayer time for those around her.  She opened up her schedule to ask for prayer requests for strangers in a forum of over 3000 women.  That is a beautiful, intentional sacrifice.  Another blog I follow approaches Lent as a time similar to Advent.  It is a time to prepare your heart, to make room for God to speak, and to really meditate on what Easter means.

So as I have been running, I have been doing a lot of meditating.  It clears my mind, and I become aware of almost every breath I breathe.  I am clearing out time in my busy life to quiet my heart, train my body, and I am doing it so that others might be freed.  It is my sacrifice, however small.  It occurred to me yesterday that running is what God added to my life to help me recognize Lent.  This is my way of laying down a portion of my life to help others.

As Jesus has been connecting the dots for me, I have a song called Hallelujah that won't seem to leave my head.  It has been redone several times, but the original is by Leonard Cohen.  The one line that is on repeat inside my brain is:

And every breath we drew was hallelujah...

If I had just one sentence to describe it, I think that is what Lent means to me.  To live a life where every breath I draw is hallelujah.  Every breath in success, every breath in joy, every breath in sorrow, every breath in pain, every breath in confusion, every breath in doubt.  Let every breath be hallelujah.

I have been running in a forested area, and so I decided to make a little print of a photo I took a while back to commemorate this season.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Running Outside My Comfort Zone

Funny story.  I'll start with just stating that I am not a 'runner.'  Really.  My one concern with the whole need to run is whether or not I could outrun a zombie apocalypse, if it indeed came to it.  My mind was put to ease when I saw a picture of a house surrounded in treadmills.  Zombie proof, and no need to run.  Perfect.

I don't mind walking, I love dancing, hiking is wonderful, and pilates is surprisingly my thing.  I will even use free weights and a kettle bell.  I'm just not a runner.  If you know me, you know that I have said this to you at least a hundred times.

So why, you might ask, did you sign up for a 5K in May?  Not only did you sign up, but you created a team and signed your family up.  And you might be kind of pressuring encouraging people to sign up with you.  That is weird.  And, yes, dear reader, I agree.  It is weird.  Though not as weird as I would like to think.  Because here is the thing.  God has been asking me to do an inventory of what He's given me.  But there is more.  He's been gently reminding me that I need to be willing to sacrifice those gifts and talents that for His purposes.  Turns out that some of that is a lot of fun.  I've been getting back to doing activities and hobbies that I really enjoy.  If you read my post about  where your gifts and your burdens collide, you'll know that some of my paradigm has been a good way.  All that to say, while it is a little scary to hand over my talents and the things I already excel at, what if I need to be doing more?  What if I need to be doing something completely out of my comfort zone?  Like running?  Yes, like running.

My burdens have long been wrapped up in helping the vulnerable and marginalized.  My eyes roam and seek out the invisible, and my heart breaks for the injustice that leaves so many of them suffering.  I love seeing people freed from oppression - of all kinds.  I first learned about human trafficking while studying to complete my major six years ago.  I had to write a fifteen page paper on human trafficking in Italy, and in my research my eyes were opened to a world of suffering and captivity that I knew nothing about previously.  I cried every day I went to class.  I cried reading academic papers, even though they were full of academic jargon and so far removed from the people suffering.  I care about these men, women, and children with a depth that sometimes surprises me.  

Then I received an email from World Concern about their Free Them 5K in May.  All proceeds go to help those enslaved.

I heard a whisper, "Do all you can with what you have been given."

I have been given body healthy enough to run, despite my lack of enthusiasm about the idea in the past.  I've been given a burden to help people who are victims of human trafficking.  So my burden is colliding with running because it is something I can do right now to help.  I'm not an expert runner.  I may end up walking with my 5 year-old.  But I am willing to risk looking like a bit of a fool and jumping outside of my comfort zone because that is where miracles occur.

So if you are in the Seattle area on May 10th, and you'd like to come and run so others can LIVE FREE (Click Here for FREE THEM 5K information)- please join me!  No, really.  Please, do join me.  If this girl who runs only when something is chasing her (think zombie) can do it, I am pretty sure you have a great shot at it.  Our team is named Live Free, not just in honor of what I've been feeling is a theme for me this year, but also a word of faith that the people who are being held captive will be able to one day LIVE FREE, too.  If you feel a burden for those caught in this web of human trafficking, you can donate to help us reach our $5000 goal.  A few friends and I are already planning some great fundraisers, and I am so excited to see what God does with our gifts and talents as we lay them down to help others.  Together, when we do small actions in great love, who knows the greatness of the outcome?

I designed a little graphic because I definitely need the reminder from time to time.  Or everyday.  Whichever.

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About Me

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Shoreline, WA, United States