Sunday, February 9, 2014

In Which I Share About Our Love Story

On this day, nine years ago Aaron asked me to marry him.  Look at us up there.  Aren't we so cute?  And young.  Saying yes was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Our love story is probably one of the most tangible evidences of God's fingerprints in my life.  He rerouted my future, brought me down to Mexico, and blew my mind as He guided me to my future husband.  He took this cynical, pragmatic, guarded girl and made her believe that sometimes the kind of love that fairy tales are made of does exist.  I didn't deserve to find this kind of love and happiness, but I am eternally grateful for a God who is full of mercy and grace who doesn't look at our worthiness.

When I think about today, I realize that every meaningful decision we made comes with risk.  Sometimes the risk is so great that we stand to lose everything.  Those decisions are usually the hardest and most rewarding.   Sometimes the decisions that seem easy at the time because they are less risky end up being the decisions that trap us in the illusion of comfort and control.  I don't know about you, but I am tired of living inside my own limitations.  If there is one thing I have learned about God, it is that He wants to surprise us.  He will always outdo our best efforts, out-imagine our best dreams, and always out-design our best laid plans.

I knew I could marry Aaron from the first day I met him.  That was not what made the decision to say yes an easy one.  There is such a huge risk when you entrust your heart to another human.  But I said yes because I trusted that God was faithful, He loved me, and even though I didn't deserve it, He wanted to bless me.  He answered my prayers, guided me, promised me...and that gave me the courage to choose a better life than I had imagined for myself.

This date for me is like an alter.  I go to remember God's faithfulness.  I go to remember His extravagant love for me.  I go to restore hope that some of the riskiest decisions that have yet to be made will be the greatest adventures of my life.

I wonder how different life would look if we remembered every moment that God wants to surprise us with better than we can imagine.  Looking back in all the ways He has orchestrated such beautiful blessings thus far, how can we step into living a life marked more and more by His glory?  What would happen if we consistently and intentionally yielded our lives to all that God has in store for each of us?   I believe we would change the world.

I made a little Valentine's Day printable for fun.  It is one of my favorite sayings, and it still surprises me.

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Shoreline, WA, United States